Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Beware of zombies

There’s no substitute for donated blood (unless it’s entertainment)

A spooky history of fake blood. Blood is life. Unless it’s a pint voluntarily given by one of our generous donors in a neat little bag,阅读更多→

Opt in to Facebook’s Blood Donation Tool

Do you depend on Facebook for event notifications, to stay in touch with friends from school, or to look at photos of your grandkids? You’re not阅读更多→

Together in Diversity: A message from CEO Curt Bailey To Bloodworks Staff

Unfolding events over the past week triggered by the senseless death of George Floyd and others before have shaken us deeply and tear the fabric of阅读更多→

Time, blood, and talent: Volunteers sew masks for Bloodworks staff

Blood donors often look forward to their post-donation conversation with a Bloodworks canteen volunteer as much as the juice and cookies. Our volunteers come from a阅读更多→
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